The Tragedy of Consciousness
John is a friend of mine. When he was young, he wanted to be a lawyer with good pay and a happy family. He was never greedy, he only dreamed of stability. He studied hard in high school, took AP classes, and got nearly straight A's. He went to a good university and studied hard. He graduated and went to law school in another good university. He always studied hard. He graduated. He got a job at a law firm as a public defender. He worked hard. The job wasn't working, the pay too low. He found his future wife. Together they decided to search for greener pastures. They moved out west. Another job as a public defender. Better pay, worse conditions. Moved again, this time to a peaceful suburb of a big city. He got married. Better pay, and no longer working in public defense. No more trips to the morgue to examine the bodies of murder victims. Now he prosecuted for the state. He worked hard. He got promoted. He got a raise. He bought a house with a big yard and a deck that overlook...